My garden has produced such a profusion of garden sage that I have been making sage oil to cook with through the upcoming cooler season. Sage oil adds a savory kick to your recipes with a minimum of fuss, and they make very nice hostess or holiday gifts. This is a sage oil “infusion” rather than an essential oil that’s distilled like spirits. It’s for culinary use that is especially warming for the Fall and Winter seasons.
*Harvest garden sage in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before noon when the sun gets hot.
*Rinse sage leaves thoroughly, and let them dry in a single layer on paper towels in the sun, the oven, or a dehydrator.
*The idea is to heat the oil just enough to encourage the sage leaves to release their native oils into the mixture. Too hot, and the oil will cook the leaves – that’s not good. A temperature of around 105 degrees F or slightly warmer works well. Using a thermometer is helpful in this process.
*Remove the sage leaves after infusing because it can be overpowering in some mild dishes. Leaves left in the mixture will keep adding flavor intensity over time. Adding back a few leaves to the oil decanter after infusing the oil makes it easier to identify without having to label it.
*Sage oil is particularly good if a savory recipe contains carrots, onions, lemons, or chicken.
Sage Oil Recipe
2 cups cooking oil (I suggest Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Avocado Oil)
2 cups lightly packed sage leaves
30 whole black peppercorns
Large glass jar with a tightly fitted lid (mason jar)
Presentation bottle or decanter
- Place sage leaves in a large glass jar with a tightly fitted lid (mason jar).
- Add 20 lightly crushed peppercorns to the jar.
- Heat the oil to 105 degrees F.
- Pour oil into the mason jar.
- Allow the oil to cool completely before securing the lid on the jar.
- Place the jar in a cool, dark spot for 2-3 weeks. Test after 2 weeks to see if the mixture is flavorful enough for your taste.
- Shake the jar 3 or 4 times a week during the infusion process.
- After 2 or 3 weeks, pour the oil through a fine mesh strainer and put it in its final container.
- Add 10 additional peppercorns to the bottle.