
2020 changed me profoundly. In fact, everything has changed and there is no going back. I wrote about that awakening experience in the post, Living in the Matrix. Thankfully, I have emerged on the other side of that illusion-shattering experience and am currently working at re-grounding myself. Here, I plan to use my words and thoughts to try and work out what is going on and why, and what can be done about it by those who are culturally curious and aspire to intellectual honesty.

The truth is that we have been lied to, all of us, for a very long time by people and institutions that we trusted to tell us the truth. When I speak of dying illusions this is (in part) what I’m referring to:

*We don’t live in an imperfect but well-meaning Constitutional Republic in which we, the people hold regular free and fair elections to elect officials of our choosing that will represent us in the determination of government direction and policies. We live in an oligarchy with no checks and balances on power and paper thin separation between corporate power and state power, whose fate is not determined by representative votes but by a loose and corrupt transnational alliance of plutocrats, technocrats, and sociopathic government agencies.

*We no longer live in a sovereign nation in which our Founding Fathers mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to establish and protect. We live in a geopolitical, globe-spanning power alliance which functions as a single empire controlled by unaccountable elites who use governments as tools to advance personal agendas of control and domination.

* We do not operate in a free market society based on supply and demand that sets prices and distributes goods and services with little or no government control. The Federal Trade Commission was created in 1914 to regulate competition among American companies. Essentially, each act limited markets by granting the federal government the power to regulate business. As a result, the United States no longer has a free market system.

There are many more illusions that have been shattered for me but I think you get the point.

These few illustrations alone give evidence to the fact that the respect we once held for sovereignty has nearly disappeared from our society and it is wreaking havoc on our well-being as a people. The rise of what has been duped the “fourth branch” of government has only added layers of bureaucracy to government and increased the complexity of the governance process.

When I first awakened to the grim reality of these things and once I recovered from the shock of these revelations (and others that I will inevitably be writing about as necessary), I rose up with a fierce rage that burned from the deepest depths of my soul. And with that rage came a determination to fight back with the truth.

I can not, I will not participate in the willful destruction of the United States of America without lifting my voice in protest. I will tell the truth in every way possible to alert people to what is happening, to shed light on how we have all been lied to and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

I can not, I will not participate in the reckless, intentional destruction of humanity without proclaiming a warning to my brothers and sisters and fellow pilgrims in this life.

I refuse to live by the lies of cultural Marxism being currently perpetuated by the illegitimate Biden Administration and his puppet masters, the globalists.

Indeed, when rich, powerful, secular globalists have commandeered democratic institutions and structures, and are using them to impose illiberal left-wing governance designed to destroy the sovereignty of nation-states, national traditions and religion, it is time for people to rise up and fight back.

I am not cynical. I do not despair. I am not afraid. I am not a Christian Nationalist.

I am a God-fearing, Christ-centered, ordinary believer who knows from the deepest recess of my bones that the LORD God Almighty has a plan for His creation and it is antithetical to the agenda that the spiritual powers of the world have planned.

I cannot say with any surety what may happen to this nation, but I can say with complete surety that nothing can thwart His plan for mankind. God is not mocked.

We fight because we are called to take our place in the greatest army in the world, the army of the Most High God. My intention is to fight with words and ideas for what I love and not against what I don’t, but to do so from a place of trust in the truth of the gospel and in utter dependence upon His strength, His love, His promises, and His stated intention through the Word and because of it, firmly rooted in our hope for humanity.

He has already won the war. The battle is His but we take our place alongside Him, in life as in death. To God be the glory.

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