
No one is obliged to take part in the spiritual crises of a society; on the contrary, everyone is obliged to avoid the folly and live his life in order.

Eric Vaegelin

The 2020’s have propelled us all, masked, muted, and quarantined into a new age altogether, in the single blink of an eye.

We have all experienced the utter madness of the world turning suddenly upside down, of good being called bad, of right being called wrong, and vice versa. The furious swirling confusion of chaos and division has ripped through our communities like an F-5 tornado leaving destruction and devastation in its unfortunate and inescapable wake.

We have felt the gripping fear of the pandemic constricting our breath and the choke-hold of the gross over-reaching governmental/bureacratic response to it eroding away our civil sovereignty and dashing our liberties, the feeling of our moorings being cut loose one-by-one by the raging color revolution as we have stood by helplessly, bewildered and unprepared, trying to make sense of what is happening to western culture.

Behind the crushing force of the winds and the howling noise of calamity hides a global ecological breakdown, the cultural and moral disintegration of the west, the rise of tightly networked surveillance and control technologies strategically developed by Silicon Valley technocrats, and the desperate but inevitable collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial system.

Ready or not, the storm is upon us and an age is ending. The powers of the world are merging with the prince of the power of the air, groaning as they strain to return the earth to a former pagan era, taking a huge step backward in the name of progress. Corporate power, state power, institutional power, ideological power, governmental power, financial power, military industrial power, the power of the oligarchs who built and control the internet, and spiritual power all colluding to reconstruct the Tower of Babel once again.

Their effort will ultimately fail but there is no way of knowing the timeline or the process or even the ferocity or the fall-out of the battle for humanity as the forces of good and evil clash for possession and control of the world.

I know it sounds like something out of a comic book, but it is real. It doesn’t matter whether we call it the Great Reset, the Green New Deal, the Great Acceleration, the rise of Transhumanism, the Age of the Machine, or the Joker; it has been planned for a very long time behind closed doors and it is now upon us.

As humanity scrambles to mount a defense and to man galactic battle stations, I am reminded of the caged canaries that the early miners used to carry with them down into the depths of the mine tunnels. If poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide collected in the mine, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners, thus providing a warning to the miners to exit the tunnels immediately. The legacy of the canary teaches the power of one’s voice, even if that voice seems weak, minuscule and frail in the midst of a storm.

Here, I plan to use my own minuscule voice to try and work out what is going on and why, and what can be done about it by those of us who are genuinely curious and intellectually honest. Do you aspire to intellectual honesty, to the ability to objectively entertain propositions that conflict with your current understanding? Perhaps the insightful perspectives presented here on a variety of topics will serve to inform you and to act as an early warning siren.

Subscribe to this newsletter, and you will receive insightful perspectives from me on these themes periodically. Every new story will go directly to your inbox, or you can read them collectively on this site.

Many people are already working for reform on the local, community levels and I both participate in and support this ongoing and necessary work. In addition to those efforts, it is sometimes helpful to zoom out and view the battle field from a 30,000 feet birds-eye perspective as well, to aid in understanding the big picture and seeing the context of the struggle.

I will hope for a good conversation with those who subscribe, and welcome disagreement and alternative views. But I will deny commenting rights to anyone who attempts to bring strife and division into this space. In this way, let us encourage one another to practice kindness and mercy here as we attempt to live not by lies, but to employ the power of the Truth.

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